1.Surah Yaseen: Allah will grant all ur wishes 2.Surah “Rehman” brings glow on the face, 3.Surah “Al-Waqia” releases us from hunger, 4.Surah “Al-Mulk” saves us from Azab-e-Qabr, 5.Surah “Sajda” will speak up in our favour on judgement day.
Today Is Friday.
To All Brethren In The Faith Of Abraham,
Ghusl Is Recomended,
Recite Surat Kahf,
Go To Jumat Mosque Early, Keep Mute Throughout The Course Of Khutbah,
Supplicate More After Solat Asr.
May The Most High Accept your Ibadah.
Many Happy Returns Of Jummah.
Another Friday, the Master of all days has come again.
The Most Sacred Day With Countless Blessings and Mercies of Allah.
May Allah Shower His Countless Blessings On You and Your Family on This Holy Day.
May Allah reward you abundantly.
Jumma Mubarak.
Oh Allah ..
Open for me the doors to everything good ..
And the doors to peace and security,
And the doors to health and wellness,
And the doors to YOUR blessings,
And the doors of YOUR barakah,
And the doors to strength and perseverance,
And the doors to love and care,
And the doors to YOUR mercy,
And the doors to YOUR sustenance,
And the doors to knowledge,
And the doors to YOUR forgiveness,
And the doors to JANNAH !
Jummah Mubarak
"The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday; on it Allaah created Aadam.
On it, he was made to enter paradise, on it he was expelled from it.
And the last hour will take place on no day other than Friday".
And We removed from you your burden,
Which had weighed upon your back
And raised high for you your repute.
For indeed, after hardship, will be ease.
(Q94:2-5)Barka Jumah
Allah the Most High says:
"Whoever recommends and helps a good cause becomes a partner therein,
and whoever recommends and helps an evil cause shares in its burden."
Barka Jumah
Allah has created the Angels from intellect but He did not place lust in them,
He created animals with lust but did not place intellect in them intellect,
But He placed both Intellect and Lust in humans,
Therefore he whose intellect overcomes his lust is greater Than the
angels and he whose lust overcomes his intellect is lower than animals.
Jumu'ah Mubarak.
D most POSITIVE BOOK in D world
A FOUNTAIN of mercy and wisdom
A WARNING 2 D Heedless
A GUIDE 2D Erring
AN ASSURANCE 2 Dos in Doubt
A SOLACE 2 D Suffering &
A HOPE 2 Dos in Despair
May ALLAH grant US D Blessings of the Qur'an
Jumma'atu Kareem
Jumma (Jummah)
The Most Sacred Day
With Countless Blessings
And Mercies of Allah.
May This Juma
Lighten Your Life With
Teachings Of Islam and
Protect You From Calamity
Have a Blessed Friday ..
The prophet (SAW) said you wil enter paradise easily if you do d ffg:
1. Spread Salam
2.Repair family ties
3.Give out of your wealth
4.Pray in the night wen people are sleepin.
Don't miss out on your ticket to paradise.
Jumat Mubarak.
Many are in emergency wards, many fresh graves at the symmetry.
Some are alive like we are but constantly long for death bcos of d pain they're going 2ru.
Alhamdulillahi, HE has made yous see this day in good status and sound state.
Let's always give thanks for d free favours we get from our LORD.
Barka Jumat